WHat is hypnosis?

Hypnosis can be understood as a cognitive state of highly focused attention with the simultaneous activation of your parasympathetic nervous system, directed towards an alternative, richer perspective than the one supporting the problem or issue you want to change. With positive emotional energy, this new perspective can then become your reality. Far from the popular myth of losing control, hypnosis is actually a way to take back control of your life by harnessing the incredible power of your own unconscious mind. Many, like myself, have found that hypnosis can be the doorway to a new life. 

How Does It Work?

Think of hypnosis as a way of replacing old, defective programs (unconscious habits), with conscious programs and supportive beliefs of your own choice and design. With hypnosis, you will be taking conscious control of your life instead of being the unwitting victim of your old habits.

With hypnosis, you are literally "re-wiring" your own brain through processes known as neuroplasticity and memory re-consolidation. This is why the results can be so rapid and dramatic, especially compared to more traditional long-term forms of therapy.

One of the most exciting things about hypnotherapy is that it has evolved and continues to evolve. Today's cutting edge hypnotherapy is creative-- a collaboration between the hypnotist and the client-- and it draws on the latest modalities and scientific research, including neuroscience, quantum physics, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), and much more.

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What Is it Good For?

Just about anything, really. Imagine if you could access the power of the 90-95% of the brain that is potentially available to you but which is otherwise underutilized? So specifically, hypnosis is well known for helping people eliminate PTSD and CTSD, quit smoking, stop drinking, cure phobias, gain self-esteem, and gain confidence. The list is practically endless.

But let's be clear here - with hypnosis, everything begins and ends with your sincere desire for a specific outcome. All the resources you need to resolve your issue are already contained within your own unconscious mind. So, when you no longer have the issue anymore, it's not because of anything the hypnotherapist did to you- it's simply because they helped YOU GAIN ACCESS TO YOUR OWN ALREADY-EXISTING RESOURCES. And let me mention just one resource that you may not know you had available for this purpose-- your capacity to imagine the outcome you want, to imagine how you want to show up in life.

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Try Hypnosis

Sleep better:



Receiving your own customized hypnosis recording is much better than listening to a generic hypnotherapy audio. In this customized hypnosis recording, everything is tailored to you, your journey, and what change you want to make. 

This is a customized hypnosis journey that involves:

  • 30minute intake call

This 20-30min recording is yours to keep and the magic remains since you can re-visit at any point. 



I’ve gone to a hypnotherapist before, so although I didn’t have any reservations of the process itself, I was still slightly nervous. John’s approach feels like it surpasses this time, it feels so rooted in not only who he is as a person but all of the knowledge and expertise he has acquired over the years. John has helped me overcome pain, anxiety and most important to me…has really helped bring out my inner child. His calming voice automatically makes me feel more clarity, ease, and peace. Anytime I feel like I’m losing a bit of that inner child magic, I re-listen to this recording.
— Esperanza S, Tampa FL


Hypnosis is the latest stage of my 30-year journey to wholeness, healing, authentic identity and well-being. Today, even with a chronic autoimmune dis-ease (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia) and ITP (Immunothrombocytopenia), I truly feel great and wake up each day with more joy, gratitude, love, and deep relationships with friends and family than I ever could have dreamed of at any earlier stage of my life. And most satisfying to me, my creative abilities are far greater than I ever imagined, even just a few years ago. I write music for original theatrical works for adults and children, perform Brazilian Jazz with my instrumental trio and with my wife, Débora Watts, and much more.

The truth is, less than 10 year ago, even after two decades of dedicated spiritual practice and all sorts of sincere explorations and efforts, I was doing very poorly on the inside and important areas of my life were falling apart, including my marriage. All this was capped off by a near-fatal bout with pneumonia which required the removal of an empyema in my lungs the size of a tennis ball. Even the surgeon was surprised by what he found. My health was a literal representation of what I was experiencing emotionally at the time. And then things started to change, and I owe a very large part of that change to the power of accessing and directing my own unconscious mind through hypnosis.

Today I live in a different space within myself - a space that's big enough to include so many more people in my life in a healthy, mutually-beneficial way; a space that allows me to create more beautiful and powerful music than I ever imagined and produce it almost effortlessly. And an ability to help others without attachment to my particular agenda.

And really, things could have moved quite a bit faster for me but I  took it real slowly at first, sort of just tip-toeing into it, by listening to hypnosis recordings, then moving on to self-hypnosis. In fact, drawing from a single experience at a YMCA camp where I was a camp counselor, I long believed that I was “un-hypnotizable.” Now I know that anyone with a wish can open up to something greater than their conscious ego-state and that there are as many “states” of hypnosis as there are people - actually many more because each person has their own unique range of hypnotic states. (And spoiler alert— you’re in one right now and nearly all the time.)

And here's the really amazing thing: All the prior work-- spiritual practice, meditation, talk therapy, energy work, yoga, etc. has become awakened and activated by the new reality of myself that I am now living. Which is to say that now I understand that things couldn't have happened any better for me all along the way-- I just didn't see it at the time. All my prior experiences-- the good ones, and especially the difficult ones-- were ways that the Universe/God or the Quantum field, whatever you want to call it, conspired to help, not hinder me.

Now, with all that experience and with the training I've had-- I am confident that things can change very quickly for you or anyone with a sincere desire to feel better, be better and live better in every way.

Does that mean it's all roses? Surely not. But here's what I do know, in the depths of my being— that it's the challenges and hiccups along the way that provide the FUEL for the whole journey to take place. So, now I see each slip up or challenge as an opportunity to look and dig deeper into the places where I haven’t spent enough time looking. NLP puts it very simply this way: "There is no failure, only feedback." Now instead, I see challenges, even my health challenges, as divine messengers. And I’d like you to consider the possibility of seeing your challenges this way too, because if you do, you're truly in for your own extraordinary adventure, uniquely and powerfully your own. And by doing that, you'll be able to help other people, just like you. And isn't that what it’s really about— why we’re here?

So, what I would like to say to you is that it would be a privilege to help you to create the life you want for yourself. If I can do it, anyone can.

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